Solar mining Bitcoin in Cyprus with free energy from the sun
Solar mining Bitcoin refers to the practice of using solar energy to power the hardware needed for Bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process that involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions on the Bitcoin network. Solar mining altcoins and converting the rewards to BTC represents a growing trend aimed at making Bitcoin mining more sustainable and economically viable in the long run. For the top 5 altcoins that you can easily solar mine in Cyprus at very low power, and trade these token rewards to Bitcoin on a daily basis, consult the Bitcoin electrician in Limassol Cyprus.
Here are some key points about solar mining Bitcoin with free energy from the Cyprus sunshine:
A list of small businesses in Cyprus accepting BTC for payments of goods and services.
Bitcoin miners of Cyprus meet ups:â
Importance of live Irradiance data on your smartphone
Solar radiation, watts/meter squared: live and accurate info on your smartphone will be needed plus smart tracking solar Irradiance cameras. Both are absolutely essential for remote Solar Crypto mining farms in Cyprus. Without this, its impossible to produce a maximum efficiency remote off-grid solar Bitcoin mining farm.
Noise pollution
Obtaining used Bitmain ASIC miners is a fantastic budget friendly way to start a solar Bitcoin mining farm in Cyprus. You will need to replace the cooling fans to bring the noise level down to an acceptable level. We always replace the stock mounted cooling fans with high quality PC fans with a lower rpm, this significantly reduces the noise of off-grid Bitcoin mining farms in nature.
Is Solar Crypto mining profitable in Cyprus?
Solar mining Crypto including Bitcoin is always profitable if your electricity is FREE!
ROI with Solar Crypto mining in Cyprus
The most comments we receive on our videos showing just some of the solar crypto mining machines that we have been testing, is what is our return on investment? Many comments from "Cypriot crypto experts" suggest 10 to 20 years, some say never. These comments are often from the same stupid people that believed their local Solar PV installer electrician that by giving him 10,000 Euros for grid-tied solar panels on their roof would pay off in 2 to 3 years, As licensed electrical contractors in Cyprus with nearly 40 years experience, we know the truth and see on a daily basis the shocking standards of poorly installed Photovoltaic (PV) systems in Cyprus, almost all of these systems will need more than 10 years to pay off, and by this time the advancements in PV technology would have moved on 1000% and more.
All the negative comments we received from "Cypriot crypto experts" have completely missed the point of what we are actually doing with Solar crypto mining. Their uneducated comments based on nothing more than online BTC hashrate calculators, they think this makes them "Solar Crypto mining experts", none of these people have ever tried solar crypto mining at scale in Cyprus trading the altcoins mined into BTC. Truth is, our small mini Solar crypto mining test farm will have fully paid off within 10 months at todays Bitcoin price of around 55,000 USD....and what if Bitcoin goes to 100,000 or even 1 million!?...Our small investment into used second hand Crypto mining machines that we purchased from eBay will have paid off handsomely. PLUS we still have land in Cyprus with off-grid solar FREE electricity forever! This of course has so many benefits with agriculture land development, planting of trees, vegetables and electric water pump and increasing the value of the land. What About Mining Machines ROI Life Span?
What About Winter Solar Mining In Cyprus, Enough Sunshine?
Cyprus is one of the best countries in the world for solar Crypto mining!
Average daily sunshine hours for off-grid solar mining of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies:
âFor more information on how to get started with off-grid solar mining alt-coins and Bitcoin in Cyprus, contact the Bitcoin electrician in Cyprus. Private consultations from 150 Euros, Limassol Bitcoin Electrician, WhatsApp 94449354, Email [email protected]
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